Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Reason To Smile

Like every other girl
She had her dreams
To soar high in the sky like a kite
With dreams and ambitions
She stepped into the city
Which seemed to welcome her
With open arms
Naive, yes she was
She believed everyone

It was a dark and raining
The sky lit up with lightning
And roared with thunder
And there she was
Lying in a pool of mud
Surrounded by unfamiliar faces
Laughing at her
They were her offenders

They walked away
She slowly gathered herself
Shattered, yes she was
She looked up in the sky
And asked "Why?"
Even the Gods didnt have an answer
The thunder, the lightning, the rain
The whole universe felt disgusted

She reached her home
Locked herself in
She cried her heart out
She cut herself
She had suicidal thoughts
She wanted to die
Broken, yes she was
Into several pieces

And then she heard
A small voice inside herself
Are you strong or weak?
Asked the voice
I was strong but am not now, she replied
Are you a winner or a loser?
It asked even more strongly
I was a winner, but now I have lost it all..

The voice asked her to stand, She declined
And then she had a dream
She dreamt about her dreams
Dreams that had always kept her going
She cried in pain
Blamed her dreams for her current state
She blamed herself for everything

And, then an angel flew to her
And pointed out towards a star
She saw her parents
With open arms and unconditional love
You are a fighter, a survivor
There's more to life than this, they said
All of a sudden she felt strong
She found hundreds of reasons to live

There she rose
And stood back on her feet
With a new found courage
And a goal to achieve
To be an inspiration
For not only others like her
But for every person
Who had lost all reasons to live

She rose like a phoenix
Rose from the ashes of her shattered self
Stronger and tougher than ever before
Ready to take all the challenges
That would come her way
Only to emerge as a winner
She marched ahead
And never looked back

The dark clouds disappeared
The stars shined brighter that day
 A pleasant breeze blew
Expressing the universe's jubilance
For it had finally resurrected its dearest child
And gave her thousands of reasons to smile!!!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


ज़िन्दगी चलती जाती है
वक़्त बीतता जाता है
दोनों के साथ हम भी आगे बढ़ते जाते हैं

कभी सफलता माथा चूमती है
कभी हार का सामना करना पड़ता है
दोनों का हाथ थामे हम आगे बढ़ते जाते हैं

कुछ हंसी के पल होते हैं
कुछ गम के साये से घिरे होते हैं
दोनों की अच्छाई को मन में रख हम आगे बढ़ते जाते हैं

लोग पूछते हैं- क्या तुम थकते नहीं?
क्या कभी तुम्हे उफ़ तक नहीं लगती?
हम कहते हैं- 
ज़िन्दगी जिंदादिली का नाम है, मुर्दा दिल खाक जिया करते हैं 
और हम आगे बढ़ते जाते हैं!!!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

silences....unspoken thoughts

Hm mm, so I am back after a very very long gap. I hope at least some people missed me (just kidding!!). So, welcome to Speak Ur Mind, break ke baad!!!

For all these days, there was a long silence...So, I thought why not write something on silence... We all come across it while praying or right during the last ball of an interesting match of cricket or when we are scared to death or when we are baffled or.... and the list would go on and on and on. In short, we all experiences silences in different ways, during different phases of life. But. have we ever cared to listen to what this silence says? OK, neither am I insane nor have I gone crazy. I just happened to experience several such silent phases in the past few days, wherein I could hear what the silence was speaking.

Its actually fascinating to try to hear the unspoken thoughts that our mind, our conscience is trying to speak to us. It actually provides us with an opportunity to connect to our soul. Ever imagined, why saints often used to go to mountain tops to meditate? Why lovers look into each others eyes a lot of times? Why our mom's understand all our thoughts by just looking into our eyes? Because, a lot of things are said and understood in these situations. It's not that somebody says them out loud, but somebody says them louder without even making a single noise. That, is the power of silence, the power of unspoken thoughts.

When you unexpectedly win a competition or a jackpot or top in any exam, you feel as if you have run short of words. Even when you aren't saying anything, people are still able to understand everything, all your emotions. Similarly, when you are angry with your best friend, the silence between the two of you conveys it all. When the love of your life proposes you for marriage, the silence makes the situation more enjoyable, it says everything, you both can feel each and every emotion that your hearts are experiencing. When you are feeling sad and gloomy, the silence around you gives you company, even if you don't realize its presence. When we look at something beautiful, we are so mesmerized by its beauty that we are unable to talk. We become silent, we feel ecstatic. When you are lost and confused, the silence around you gives you the strength and the space to think things through providing you with a sense of direction. People always say that they experience extreme happiness and contentment when they meditate. The reason being nothing else than the silence that envelopes us and shields us from all the shearing forces around us. We connect with our inner self and experience the presence of that one supreme being, the universal force that holds us together. This leads to the extreme happiness, contentment; we feel elevated and elated. Silences can be frightening as well. When we are walking through a desolated lane, at night; when all we can hear are our own footsteps, the silence becomes eerie and freaks us out. But, at the same point of time, we hear our heart beat, calming us down, and we foster the courage to face whatever comes in our way.

I feel its extremely important to experience listen to the unspoken thoughts of the universe, of our understand who we are, what we are, and of course where are we heading? I shall sign out now leaving you all to experience SILENCE!!!!! Sshhhhhhhh!!!! Enjoy!!!!

Pl feel free to share your thoughts on this topic. Discussions are always interesting!!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

lyf-----> move on!!!!

lyf is not a bed of roses!!!! who wuld disagree???? no one.... we all have had our own share of experiences, both good and bad ones..... the gud ones make us happy, and the bad ones make us sad and gloomy!!! but hv we ever thought how wuld lyf hv been if there werent any bad experiences..... we wuld hv been so weak.......

the happier ones boost our confidence but it is the sadder ones that strengthen us, that prepare us to take lyf as it comes, toughen us.....and most importantly, keep us human, teach us to value the postive things of our lyf, make us feel contented..... there wuld be times when nothing works in ur favor.... evrythn goes wrong, u feel like giving up, u feel as if u hv lost the battle, but remember this means u r closer to ur goal, coz God wants to really test whether u r worthy of the thing tht u r fighting for, whether u really know the true value of the goal that u r aspiring to reach...........never give up at this time, just say 2 urself tht its just another phase and ll pass off.... leading the way to ur goal ur destination..........

the biggest lesson that i have learnt so far is to keep on moving ahead in my lyf, come what may....ppl may think i have become stone hearted, one adamant, stubborn, heartless creature....but still i dont give a damn abt what others think abt me..... what matters is whether i am happy in what i am doing........i would rather be doing nothing than doing something that makes me unhappy. i might sound self centered, but tell me, what is the use of living someone else's lyf, when u urself r unhappy. there is no point in that........

u hv gt one lyf, live it on ur terms..... dat doesnt mean u completely ignore others.....if u do so then u r living an useless lyf... think of others but only to the extent where ur own individuality is maintained.... one shuld never compromise on that.....this is what i have learnt so far!!!! it was a tough lesson but its something that i wuld never forget.....


                    I wuld live my lyf on my own terms............I wuld face each n every battle boldly...........I wuld take lyf as it comes.............I am not concerned abt victory...........nor am I afraid of defeats..........deep inside me I have a very strong feeling that I AM A SURVIVOR............All I know is to march ahead..... all i want is to move on...........